Horos provide multiple options to export and share in Horos Menu : File->Export, user can export ti image with different format ( JPG, PNG, TIFF ), send to email, Video, or DICOM node/ or files.
( I could not connect to Osirix Server yet to install their plugins). Horos has plugins manager which control the installed plugins and allow the user to install plugins from Horos repositories with one-click-install, also it expand it's plugins to use OsiriX Plugins as well. Horos Toolbar is customizable through Format-> Customize-Toolbar, so the user can place his mostly used daily tools for easy access. With the Main navigation/ Toolbar the user can access to the most common use tools for Horos as Cloud Service shortcuts ( Access, Reporting and Sharing ) which is provided as a service by HorosCloud.io, Importing, Exporting and Sharing features, as well as Viewer-specific tools, and of course reporting.
Very clean and simple User Interface, and Mac OSX Native UI.